Dr. Anita Thompson is named the Nelson Institute Professor of Water Resources

Laxmi and Rachel present posters at the Clean Lakes Alliance festival on frozen Lake Mendota

Lab group cookout in June 2021.

Yu Li presents poster at the Wisconsin Wetland Association conference on correlations between stream nutrient concentrations and wetlands

Dr. Thompson's lab group at the 2023 WI AWRA Conference.

Laxmi, Laura and Yu at the 2023 WI AWRA Conference.

Laura collecting water samples in the field at Green Lake.

Laura presenting her dissertation research at the Water @ UW fall graduate symposium, 2023.

Welcome to our website!

Our group’s research combines field monitoring, laboratory experiment, and model development/evaluation to develop tools for evaluating and mitigating adverse impacts to water resources.  We work in urban and agricultural watersheds throughout the Upper Midwest and around the world, advancing our understanding of:

For more information about practicum projects advised by Dr. Thompson for the Water Resources Management MS program, please check out our page on WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT .

For more information about our network initiative, Soil for Society, please check out soilforsociety.org.